Introducing SafeNeko

2 min readJun 3, 2021

Cats are better than dogs, even science says so….

Okay we’re kidding. We don’t really care which is better, but we do want more cats in the crypto-space which is currently dominated by dogs. This is why we created SafeNeko. “Neko” is the Japanese word for cat in case you didn’t know.

SafeNeko is a new cryptocurrency (“token”) on the Binance Smart Chain. A 10% fee (“tax”) is levied on every SafeNeko transaction (buying, selling, or transferring). This tax is automatically divided into the following:

1. Token Reflection: 8% will be distributed proportionally towards SafeNeko holders. This means your SafeNeko tokens would increase by simply holding them. Proportionate distribution means the more you hold, the more you gain.

2. Automatic Liquidity: 1% will be automatically collected to generate more liquidity for the token. Having a large and stable liquidity is important to ensure smooth and continuous trading. All liquidity would be locked.

3. Automatic Burn: 1% is automatically sent to the designated Burn Wallet. This is a “dead wallet” that nobody has access to. This makes SafeNeko a deflationary token. Over time, the supply of the token would decrease, effectively enhancing its value.

The SafeNeko currently has two important purposes:

1. Charity : A wallet would be designated as the “charity wallet”. It would receive token reflection just like any holder’s wallet. Anyone is also free to send funds to this wallet. The funds in this wallet would be used to donate in charities involved in protecting cats.

2. NFT Marketplace: The SafeNeko team would build a platform which would allow SafeNeko holders to sell their digital arts as NFT. Cat-related artworks are preferred. SafeNeko would take a percentage of the NFT sales proceeds, which could be added either to the charity wallet or the burn wallet, subject to community approval.

As SafeNeko is also a community-driven project, the holders would have their voices heard. Any suggestions are welcome. The SafeNeko would particularly let holders vote on which charity they’d want to donate.

SafeNeko would have continuous development so, with help from the holders, the plans or purposes might change in the future.

